
Belly Flatteners

Best 18 Flat Belly Foods You Need

Belly fat! Carrying unwanted weight around your midsection is often uncomfortable and embarrassing. The good news is that with a healthier diet, exercises and some lifestyle changes, this can be reduced and hopefully eliminated.

Start eating your way to a trimmer waistline with these top 5 foods for a flat stomach.

1. Banana is rich in potassium, a natural diuretic that helps de-bloats the belly. Banana also relieves/prevent constipation which could result in a belly bloat.

2. Cucumbers are loaded with water and naturally low in calories to help with hydration and weight management. One whole cucumber has just 45 calories. If you are feeling bloated, cucumbers can help with that too.

3. Eggs for breakfast generally help you to keep from overeating for the rest of the day. This is because they are packed with protein to keep you feeling full and Vitamin B-12 which helps your body break down fat more efficiently.

4. Whole grains including quinoa, popcorn, oats and wheat can help flatten your tummy. This is mainly because they are so high in dietary fiber which regulates blood sugar and staves off hunger. Eating whole grains also helps to lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and insulin in the body, both of which encourage fat to be stored around the belly.

5. Yoghurt; Not only is yogurt low in fat and calories, so good as a weight loss food, but many yogurts also contain active cultures (probiotics) which promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut and help with digestion, excess gas and bloating. You could also try combining natural yogurt, berries and flax seeds in a morning smoothie or bowl of cereal, getting you off to a great tummy-trimming start before you even leave the house.

6. Green tea is a powerful metabolism stimulator: Drinking it frequently can help to accelerate weight loss. Not only that, but antioxidants in green tea may inhibit the absorption of fat.

7. Lemon. If you’re trying to lose weight, replace beverages such as pop, alcohol and sweetened and unsweetened fruit drinks (which are full of calories) with plain water and a slice of lemon. Not only does lemon have a lot of flavour, it also contains vitamin C.

8. Chicken. Since chicken is a lean meat, it’s a good source of protein without too much fat, and helps adult to maintain flat belly.

9. Cinnamon. A U.S. study found that it can reduce blood glucose, which may stave off diabetes. Cinnamon is also a carminative, which helps prevent bloating, and it is packed with antioxidants.

10. Legumes are among our most nutritious plant foods, high in protein, B-complex vitamins, iron, potassium, and other minerals. They provide large amounts of fiber, including the soluble type that is important in controlling blood cholesterol levels. If you’re trying to lose weight, the fibre helps give legumes a one-two punch. First it helps you feel full faster. Then, the blood sugar effect helps stave off hunger for longer.

11. Pears. The flesh contains mostly soluble fibre (about 3 grams), including pectin, which lowers LDL, otherwise known as “bad” cholesterol. University of Illinois study published this year found that soluble fibre can boost the immune system.

12. Berries. Not only are berries high in vitamins and fibre, they also help fight disease. Berries are some of nature’s best sources of antioxidants, which guard against heart disease, cancer and age-related blindness.

13. Dark chocolate. A recent study shows that people who eat chocolate frequently tend to have a lower body mass index. Not only that, but scientists suggest that its antioxidant properties may help boost metabolism.

14. Salmon. All types of salmon are high in omega-3s, ranging from about 750 mg to 1,270 mg per 75-gram serving. They are also a good source of vitamin D, with one serving providing 100 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA)—and the bones in canned salmon provide calcium.

15. Greens. In addition to protecting your eyes from age-related macular degeneration, thanks to its carotenoids, spinach has high concentrations of vitamin K, which can help maintain bone density and prevent fractures. The green stuff is also a powerful source of potassium and magnesium as well as folate, all of which can keep blood pressure low, reducing the risk of stroke.

16. EVOO (extra virgin olive oil).  All fats are not created equal. EVOO helps slim your belly because it contains monounsaturated fat that burn calories and fat. Bonus: This magical oil also helps lower cholesterol levels.
 Try our Homestyle Potatoes with Garlic and Rosemary made with EVOO.

17. Beans get a bad rap as gas givers, but they help fire off fat, develop muscle and regulate digestion. Beans help you feel full so it’s less likely that you’ll over-indulge. Bonus: Beans help keep you regular, which minimizes the bloated belly look. 
Try our Slow Cooker Red Beans and Rice or White Beans for Weight loss.

18. Grapefruit. Researchers found that people who ate just half a grapefruit 3 times a day lost weight without changing any other part of their diet. This is due to its acidity which slow digestion, which helps you feel full longer.
 Fresh Squeezed Grapefruit Juice
  is a great ways to benefit from grapefruit.

Just be patient and try this and see how it works gradually.

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