
22 Vocal Health Tips For Singers

Vocal Health Tips is essential for both professional and beginners because singing is act of manufacturing musical sounds with the voice, and augments regular speech by the utilization of sustained tonality, rhythm, and a spread of vocal techniques. Vocal is extremely important for singers, so you want to always warming up before you sing to avoid being strained, so always keep yourself hydrated.

Singing is unlike the other musical kind therein the performer and therefore the instrument are one within the same. due to this the standard of the sound produced by the singer depends not only on technique but overall physical health.Below are sense health Dos and don’t tailored to singing

These things are so important for singers because without your voice you cannot sing.

6 Reasons Why Your Vocal Health Important

  1. Bad vocal health Care leads to different problems, some become permanent and a few might requires surgery. Why Would you permit yourself to urge there either knowingly nor unknowingly but remember ignorant isn’t an excuse once you may need ruin your career and your life. By observing just few “DOS” & ‘DON’T” that will help improve and keep your vocal healthy.
  2. Improper Way of taking care of your Voice will results in Swollen and Stiff Vocal Cords: When this happens, the only way you’ll vibrate your vocal chords is by squeezing them extremely hard, the straining can only cause more damage and resulting in vocal nodules, a polyps or cysts.
  3. Vocal nodules are benign tumor (non-cancerous) growths that affect the vocal cords due to constant vocal abuse. Repeated abuse of the vocal cords leads to soft, swollen spots on each vocal fold . These spots become harder, callous-like growths called nodules and that they also are referred to as “calluses of the vocal cord .” they seem on each side of the vocal cords, typically at the midpoint, and directly face one another .
  4. A vocal fold polyp typically occurs only on one side of the vocal fold and may occur during a sort of shapes and sizes. Depending upon the character of the polyp, it can cause a good range of voice disturbances.
  5. A vocal fold cyst may be a firm mass of tissue contained within a membrane (sac). The cyst are often located near the surface of the vocal fold or deeper, near the ligament of the vocal fold . Please read more about vocal nodules vocal polyps and vocal cyst Click Here
  6. Muscle tension dysphonia may be a condition result from poor vocal health: Muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) is that the technical term for stressful or strenuous overuse of the voice, leading to vocal dysfunction. Over time, untreated MTD leads to worsening of symptoms, including loss of vocal range and pain when singing/performing.When your larynx weakens and you’ve got to overuse your neck muscles to support it, you’ll experience pain and vocal fatigue. Please avoid this so rest enough.

vocal health

Vocal Health “DO’S”& “DONT’S”


  1. Rest your voice when it’s tired
  2. proper warm up before performing
  3. Cardio-exercise half-hour daily
  4. Eat a diet with minimal sugars
  5. Practise deep breathing or meditation
  6. Take a touch of excellent Honey, possibly daily
  7. Try your best to take care of good general health.
  8. For dry throat, use glycerin based lozenges like Grether’s Black Currant Pas
  9. Drink water through out the day especially before and after singing
  10. Exercise regularly. Your bodily and vocal exercises are paramount for a singer
  11. Eat a diet , including vegetables, fruit and whole grains.
  12. Maintain good body hydration schedule by drinking two quarts of water daily.
  13. Avoid and stay away form dry, artificial interior climates and breathing smoggy, polluted air.
  14. Limit the utilization of your voice in high-ceilinged restaurants, noisy parties, cars and planes.
  15. Avoid throat clearing and voiced coughing.
  16. Avoid hard vocal attacks on initial vowel words.
  17. Speak in phrases instead of in paragraphs, and breath slightly before each phrase.
  18. Reduce demands on your voice – don’t do all the talking!
  19. Learn how to breathe silently to activate your breath support muscles and reduce neck tension during singing.
  20. Take full advantage of the 2 free elements of vocal cord healing: water and air.
  21. Vocal athletes must treat their system as do other sorts of athletes; therefore, vocal warm-ups should be used before singing.
  22. Vocal cool-downs also are essential to stay the voice healthy.


  1. Don’t sing beyond your comfortable range
  2. Don’t cough or grunt to clear your throat, rather use vocal warming exercise
  3. Don’t whisper to appease a hoarse voice, because it actually causes more strain
  4. Don’t eat foodstuff before singing
  5. Don’t drink carbonated beverages before a vocal performance
  6. Smoke is that the biggest enemy. It dries and irritates the throat.
  7. Alcohol dries the throat. it’s a serious enemy to the voice. Talking while smoking is extremely damaging
  8. Caffeine may be a desiccant . Avoid it or limit your intake.
  9. Never shout or scream in conversation, especially in dry climates, it destroy your voice.

Note: Your voice is an extension of your speaking voice, so if you abuse your voice during speaking, your singing are going to be affected. Get tons of sleep, drink many water, and participate in exercise. Know that Rest, moisture, and muscular tonus are the three key ingredients to good vocal health.

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