
5 Right Concept of Fasting and Praying

Why is Fasting and praying necessary? The the importance, essence of Fasting many folks miss it and do it these activities with wrong concept. A lot of individuals fast for various reasons. Some fast because they need to urge a solution from God, thinking their fasting would compel Him to answer them. They see fasting as a way of getting God to try to do something He ordinarily wouldn’t have done, had they not fasted.

That’s the incorrect idea about fasting. I do fast, but I don’t fast to urge God to try to to something on behalf of me . If you’re fasting in order that God will do something for you, then you’re doing it for the incorrect reason, because He’s done everything for you already. He already said, “All things are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:21); so what then is that the purpose of fasting?

The term ‘Fasting’ generally refers to a period of staying away from food for the aim of engaging in uninterrupted study, prayer and meditation of God’s word with a transparent objective and goal focused. Pastor Lanre Alabi

We should fast, primarily, because it’s an honest spiritual exercise designed to bring the flesh under subjection of the spirit. Fasting gets you attuned to the Spirit to listen to what God is saying, and be guided to try to to His will and follow His purpose for your life. Fasting helps you to align with God’s will and purpose, and positions you rightly for God’s Word to return to you. God may talking with you and you’ll haven’t been picking His signals. However, through fasting you become sensitive and prepared to receive the guidance and direction He’s supplying you with .

Isaiah 58:6-8 Is not this the fast that I even have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, and to undo the heavily burdened heart, to let the oppressed go free, which ye break every yoke? 7 [Is it] to not deal thy bread to the hungry, which thou bring the poor that are cast bent thy house? when you sees the naked, that thou cover him; which thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? 8 Then shall your light will shine forth because of the morning, and thine health will spring forth: and your righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy are reward.}

Secondly, and really importantly, you ought to fast as an act of worship to the Lord. you’ll decide you only want to offer the Lord tons of attention, to like and cherish Him for a few number of days or over a period. At such times you stand back from everything else, especially food, and just specialize in Him, fellowshipping with Him. Take time to fast and pray; as a chance to like and appreciate the Lord. Let whenever you fast and pray please celebrate the Word of God and make your faith effectual by acknowledging the great things the Lord has wiped out you, and for you, in Christ Jesus. {Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome}.

fasting and praying

The scriptures are replete with numerous records of remarkable results and great testimonies produced through Fasting. {Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a quick , call a solemn assembly (Joel 2:15)}. As Christians, Fasting is one among the godly exercises we should always engage in regularly, with the promise of present and eternal benefits.

The benefits of Fasting and Praying

1. Through Fasting, we will improve our effectiveness within the things of the spirit. Fasting helps you to tame and control the flesh and lift the spirit. As Christians, we are required to steer within the spirit always. this suggests to be spirit-controlled and not flesh-controlled. this is often important because Rom 8:6 says “…to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” and also in John 6:63 our Lord Jesus said “It is that the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing….”.So how does Fasting assist you to tame the flesh and lift the spirit?

One of the cravings of the body is food. it’s a craving that’s connected to the senses. once we fast, we deliberately abstain from food albeit our body craves it. We resist the urge to eat thereby improving our mastery over the cravings of the body, and instead specialize in activities that build the spirit. Only engage in activities that will help build your spirit without abstaining from food, but the abstinence from food adds a level of ‘seriousness’ and ‘discipline’ to the exercise.

2. Fasting helps to sharpen our ability to receive or hear from God. it’s like raising a spiritual antenna to select the finer signals of the Spirit’s communication. But how does this happen? once we Fast, abstinence from food may be a key characteristic but that’s not all.

3. The Fasting exercise promotes focus and undivided attention to review and prayer. One should have a deliberate cessation of all unnecessary activities and a conscious increase in activities of that engage the spirit. This helps to unclutter the mind and take away the ‘noise’ or interference that always prevents the hearing of God’s voice.

4. During a period of Fasting, many have received clear direction and heard the voice of God during a more distinct way than before. Fasting are often a vehicle to effect dramatic and urgent change in things that pertain to us or maybe within the circumstances of others around us. In James 5:17 (Amp) the scriptures assure us that “the earnest (heartfelt)…prayer of a righteous man makes power available (dynamic)” which suggests power to effect changes, shift things, re-arrange things within the present or within the future.

How To Ensure My Prayer is Earnest and Heartfelt.

When you declare a quick , you’re raising the stakes. it’s a declaration of seriousness and urgency in addressing the matter at hand. It helps you to be earnest in your prayers and positively it’ll be heartfelt. Your heart is in it to the purpose that you simply are abandoning eating to specialize in the matter at hand. And once you pray like this, the results are guaranteed!

Fasting and praying the proper Way, Making It Effective

It is important to notice that Fasting isn’t an attempt to vary God. once we fast, we are those that change and that we are the beneficiaries of the Fast. Our Fasting doesn’t change God for the scriptures say in Mal 3:6 “I am the Lord, i modify not” So with this focused , here are steps which will make our Fasting simpler .

  1. Have a transparent objective focused . What are your expectations from this Fast? Having a transparent focus and expectation will help guide your prayer, study and meditation time.
  2. The time of Fasting must include regular intervals of prayer, study and meditation on the Word.
  3. Reduce unnecessary activities or distractions during the Fasting period. Though solitude might not always be achievable, strive to be ‘alone’ with the Spirit of God.
  4. Have study materials like Books, messages {tapes}, study them from time to time and pray. Mediate on them.
  5. Have writing materials, that’s an exercise Book and Biro then allow the Spirit of God to offer you directions. Write the ideas that coming to your mind.
  6. Pray regularly with expectations in your heart but do not be selfish and remember Fasting doesn’t change God but you and every one that concerns you.

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Precious Lord, my soul earnestly thirsts for you. You alone are my heart’s desire and every one i would like and long for is to worship and adore you, my Lord and my King! many thanks for creating my life glorious, and blessing me with all that I require to be effectual within the lifetime of righteousness. i really like you blessed Jesus! Amen

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