
Appearance Matters In Life

Appearance is so important and it should not be undermined altogether our endeavor. Appearance speaks loud and it can put you during a place of judgement. I haven’t seeing any king dressed anyhow and eating on the road while taking a walk, this all about the mindset they carry. it’s al about knowing who you’re . imagine if you see a King dressed any how, what quite respect and command will that poor dressing habit. Remember being style aware does mean you ought to dress any how which will disrespect you and can not bring glory to God.

It’s good to seem good. Pay good attention to your personal looks. Dress the way you would like people to address you. People react to the way you look more, than who you actually are. it brings Positive commands and positive attention. Kings are always recognize by their kingly dresses albeit their authority isn’t in their dressing or on the throne but it commands attention, respect and convey recognition.

Good looking people are presumably to be accepted by people, regardless of how talented you’re , albeit you’re resourceful, you’ll be hardly accepted by people if your looks are awkward or scary. The pauper wisdom are going to be despair albeit the man of means is mentally hollow He are going to be easily accepted by people by his appearance. actually a person psychological state will always tell his state, the poor will always look poor not because they need so but because they’re mentality affects their dressing and communicate to people about who they’re .

Your Appearance is that the Physical Representation of You

A resourceful or a responsible person won’t have anything to try to to with an harlot or indecent people, more especially when are poor in their appearance. Most times when the decent find around them points a negative append the on. Dress for the occasion means dress for where you’re going not where you’re coming from. this also means it’ll tell where are coming from and where are getting into Life.

How you dress or look can hinder God’s blessings from coming to you. It’s true that God doesn’t check out the outward appearance of a person but the inner heart. within the same way, men don’t look your heart either but your outward appearance. Men judge by what they see. Remember, we live among men here on earth. If God goes to use someone to bless you, you’ve got to decorate for the chance . a chance can pass you by simply because of the way you look. akways work on to enhance your dressing attitude. remember Attitude is Everything.

Dress for where you’re going and not where you’re coming from. always dress clean and moderate reception and where you go. Stop dressing or looking as if the entire world is on your shoulders. It will not bring any glory to your heavenly Father which is in Heaven. Dress sort of a child of a king, for your heavenly Father takes pleasure in your good looking.

Looking good isn’t an equivalent thing as looking expensive. I’m not saying you ought to look flamboyant or expensive, just look good. Whatever you’ve got , put it on with dignity. Wash it, clean it, polish it, iron it and put it on sort of a king. At the top , Put up a gorgeous smile on your face, walk sort of a child of the King of kings.

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Dressing positively points that you simply believe on yourself and you think in God regardless of this challenges you night be facing. god can use anyone anything to bless you but your dressing could be a source of hindrance. Be always Wise and Make the wise decision always, Love God More!

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